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Thursday, December 18, 2014

Shopping Online Is The Best Way To Save Money.

Online Shopping can make you save money especially if you have an online savings code, deals of the day and offers free shipping.

Retailers cannot offer the same deals in the brick and mortar stores as what they do at the online stores.

The main reason for this is the costs of running an establishment is considerably greater than an online store.

Factors that contribute to the gross margin and overhead of doing business in a shopping center are as follows: rentals, electricity, payroll, fixtures and the shrinkage loss.

With the modern technology retailers have explored that they can meet the needs of their customers with less operational expenses, by doing the business in an online location and not a physical store.

And the best part of online shopping is that the retailer passes the savings they got onto their customers by cutting the cost of the products they are selling.

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