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Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Some ways to make money online, in a legit way...

Have you ever gotten one of those spam emails that promises you could "get rich quick"? Or maybe you found a website that says you can "work from home and make thousands!"

The sad truth is that most of these amazing-sounding opportunities are scams. If you've been the victim of an online scam.

But here's the good news: The Internet is also full of completely legitimate ways to make money. All you need is a computer, Internet and the desire to make some extra pocket cash!

Turn your photos into cash

Do you have a knack for photography? If you have unique images that could easily hang in an art gallery, you might be able to sell your work to fine art lovers on sites.

And if you take lots of high-quality images of everyday items and places, check out stock photo sites like iStockPhoto and Shutterstock. These sites sell your pictures to advertisers and businesses for you. The pay can vary, but you can expect to earn 15 to 60 percent of the sale.

Start a blog

Blogging is not only a great way to share your passion with the world - it can also earn you some nice pocket money. Some daily bloggers are earning $50 - $100.

If you want to share your creativity with the world - but writing isn't your thing - there's always video blogging. The best part is you don't need expensive video equipment to get started.

Answer questions

Earning extra money can be as simple as answering a question online.

Some questions require in-depth knowledge on a topic. But many questions can be answered with a quick Google search. What you earn will depend on the difficulty of the question. Some answers might earn you 50 cents or less. More complicated Q&As can score you as much as $20-$50 each.


Freelancing gives you the flexibility of making money from the comfort of your home office or anywhere else. It's a good option for writers, graphic designers and other creative types. But you can find freelance work in all kinds of fields.

If you're a small business owner looking to hire a freelancer.

Freelancers will want to read this too!

Most of these sites let you set your own hourly or project rate before you start applying for jobs. Keep in mind that some jobs might require a lengthy interview process before you're hired. Pay can vary from a few bucks to several hundred dollars, depending on the project.

Become an online tutor

If you have past teaching experience - or you're an expert in a high demand field - online tutoring can be a lucrative way to earn extra cash.

Math, science and economics are the most in-demand subjects.

It connects you with students around the world who are interested in learning English and other languages.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Pure Thermo Burn
★★★★☆Pure Thermo Burn— $9.49 (Save 52%!)
This non-ephedra Thermogenic agent promotes weight loss and fat burning safely. Pure Thermo Burn gives you the energy you need to get through your busy day and an appetite suppressant to help control the amount you eat. INGREDIENTS: Guarana - Guarana contains a high amount of guaranine, a chemical substance with the same characteristics as caffeine. It may quicken perception, delay sleep and help with endurance based activities. Uva ursi - This promotes water loss, especially around the stomach area, to look leaner and...

This non-ephedra Thermogenic agent promotes weight loss and fat burning safely. Pure Thermo Burn gives you the energy you need to get through your busy day and an appetite suppressant to help control the amount you eat. INGREDIENTS: Guarana - Guarana contains a high amount of guaranine, a chemical substance with the same characteristics as caffeine. It may quicken perception, delay sleep and help with endurance based activities. Uva ursi - This promotes water loss, especially around the stomach area, to look leaner and has been used to help with urinary tract infections. White Willow Bark - This herb helps drive the fat out of your body faster by dilating your veins, similar to aspirin. Gugulipid - Helps stimulate the thyroid gland to produce more thyroid hormones and will help lower triglycerides and LDL cholesterol. Green Tea Extract - Helps with thermogenesis and aids in metabolism of fat, also known as a powerful antioxidant. Citrus Aurantium - Helps break down fat, by increasing metabolism and helps suppress the appetite. Forslean - Helps lower blood pressure and helps regulate insulin levels. Chromium Polynicotinate - Helps control insulin levels and blood sugar. Niacin and Cayenne - Natural ingredients that help increase metabolism and burn fat. l-tyrosine - This amino acid helps keep muscles from breaking down during dieting and exercise. l-carnitine, Vitamin B5, Calcium Pantothenate - helps with fat loss and energy. Increased calcium helps to reduce cramping. DOSAGE: Take 2 tablets before breakfast and lunch. Take 1 tablet mid afternoon. Take with 8 oz of water. Cycle 5 days on, 2 days off.
4.08 447
9.49 USD InStock

Saturday, April 9, 2016

How To Prolong The Life of Lithium-Ion Batteries?

Follow these tips to prolong the life of your lithium-ion batteries: 

• For brand new batteries, it is important to charge them completely before you use the cell phone, laptop, or other electronic. This “teaches” the battery the extent of the charge.

• To prolong the life of a lithium-ion battery that sees a lot of use, like a laptop or cell phone, it’s better to charge it often for short periods of time (one to two hours) instead of charging it from a near dead state each time.

 • While short charges are best, it is important to let the battery drain completely and then fully charge around once a month. This help maintain good battery health. 

• It’s very detrimental to a lithium-ion battery if you use the device while it’s charging. This makes the battery overheat, which lowers a li-ion battery’s lifespan. 

• If possible, use a charger with a lower voltage rating. While this will charge more slowly, it will charge at a lower temperature, preserving the battery. 

• Never leave the battery in sunny or hot areas. This heat can damage the battery life. 

• Finally, if you aren’t going to use the battery for a while or you’re storing it, make sure the battery is over 40% charged before you put it away. When lithium-ion batteries are stored out of charge for long periods of time, this can lead to an inability to maintain a charge once the battery is in use again. 

If you follow these tips (especially if you use them from when you first get your new battery, phone, laptop, or other electronic using a lithium-ion (Li-ion) battery) you will maximize the battery’s lifespan and prevent premature aging in the battery.

For more details visit the links below:

What IsAn Equalizing Charge, Why Is It Needed, And How to Apply One To a Lead AcidBattery

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